Here is a story for you...
So. I graduated. I secured a job. And this is what happened.
Two weeks ago I lost all of my paperwork for the job that I was starting in a week. I looked everywhere for it and did not find any trace of it.
Orientation Week...
Day One: I could not sleep. Thought process went something like this... I'm going to be late. They aren't going to give me new paperwork. I probably won't even make it there... I'm terrible with directions. I'll probably end up on the other side of the state and my car will break down or run out of gas and I'll never amount to anything and end up on the streets scraping gum off of park benches for the rest of my life smelling like BO and muttering on and on under my breath about that one fateful day when I missed the first day of orientation...
It got progressively worse and more and more ridiculous as the night went on. I drifted in and out of sleep/nightmares of naked orientations...
Needless to say I was up about 2 hours before I needed to be. I used the excess time to attempt cover up the three lovely red bumps that had formed on my chin over night. The makeup just made it look worse. Thrilling start to the day.
I left the apartment and made my way easily to work listening to Jason and trying to convince myself that everything was going to be just fine.
When I arrived I went straight to the front desk and asked what time orientation began. "Oh, an hour from now? Okay, I'll just go wait in my car." So, I did.
I made my way back into the building and was directed to HR where I filled out tons of paperwork, neglected to ask for a new orientation schedule, and had a pretty shiny forehead ID picture taken. Twice.
The rest of the day was spent sitting in a chair listening to different lectures. Basically, don't be late, don't let anyone die, and realize that if you are part time you have no benefits. They people were really nice though and things began to look up.
Day Two: New room. Learned about bed sores. Sick. Spilled plate all over the place at lunch and gave my cell phone and wallet a lasagna/cottage cheese bath. Mmmm...
Day Three:
9:00 Meeting with the Women's Shelter I hope to volunteer at. So cool.
3:40 Finger printing appointment. Got lost on the way. Cried. Showed up late. Fingerprinted. Lost Cell phone.
Day Four: Slept in. Boyfriend returns cell. 7 new messages. "Why weren't you at orientation yesterday... and today?" Crap Crap CRAP CRAP! This is the moment I realized that I was supposed to attend the Wednesday and Thursday orientations even though I wasn't a nurse. WHY DIDN'T I ASK FOR A NEW SCHEDULE!!!!!!!!!
Day Five: Pretty excited that it's casual Friday because I got to wear jeans to work and I worked at a place that had casual Fridays. I felt like an adult. CPR Training. Entered the room and answered co-workers concerned questions about my absence. Signed in and had a TB test. "Oops... you'll probably have a bruise", said the nice nurse. "That's okay."
CPR Training begins. I feel someone walk up behind me... "Are you Korey?"
"HR needs to speak with you"
"Okay" Crap Crap Crap Crap
So I took the walk of doom in my casual Friday jeans.
I cried like a baby in front of the HR rep and she said she would see what she could do. Turns out I'll just re-do orientation in a month.
I suck at being an adult... but, ya know, as my mother, my boyfriend, any my best friend Elyse said, "These things happen."
I will do better next time. It was a learning experience and now I have a month to memorize the companies policies and orientation booklet.
I am gonna be so orientated next month that they won't even know what to do with me.
Goodness Gracious.
Korey Anna
Way to blog it out. Congratulations on being awesome in general, even though this day kind of blew.
On the bright side, you have an extra month to gather yourself before being a grownup. And, HR ladies basically exist to fire people. If they didn't want you to work there, she wouldn't have even tried to fit you in next month. It's not like they're doing you a favor by giving you a job -- you're going to be doing them a favor by being a reliable employee and probably doing more work than you're getting paid fairly for.
Love ya. I may stop by and bring you something cheerful.
Korey, you are so silly and i love it. Now you have one month to memorize that packet, memorize the directions to the building, and get rid of your zits! haha just kidding. i love you! and you are going to do great.
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