
Snowmageddon is Delicious

We are in the midst of a HUGE snowstorm and a HUGE change in our diet.

Therefore, after church, we hunkered down and made a HUGE pot of chili! It was really yummy. Adam did a great job making it. I then had a big craving for some hot cocoa. (Can you blame me?!) It's very snowy and we have this wonderful fire going and I just HAD to have hot cocoa. I didn't want to use a packet or make the traditional homemade cocoa because of the high amount of refined sugar. I looked up "homemade hod cocoa without sugar" and found this lovely recipe.


It's not nearly as sweet, but it hit the spot just the same!

I hope you're all staying warm and safe! We are supposed to get upwards of 16 inches of snow. I am pretty positive there is at least that much out there already!!!

Keep cozy, world!

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