What a nightmare!
Oh my goodness, you guys, I don’t like to be a whiner. I really wish I was one of those people, you know, that doesn’t say a word about their pain until they are practically dead. Although, lets be honest, that’s silly. The thing is, I am the opposite of this. I am a wuss & I have Hand, Foot, & Mouth disease.
So, not only is it painful, but it’s just gross. I feel like a walking germ. I have ULCERS in my mouth. Ulcers feel like the word sounds. It’s the perfect word. Open, painful, raw wounds in my mouth.Think, atomic cold sores on your tonsils and under your tongue.
Also, I love to eat & eating hurts.
This all started Monday night when Ellie had a fever face. The cutest little fever face in the world, but she clearly had a fever during bath time Monday night.

The next morning I tried to leave for work and Ellie clung to me like a spider monkey, arms & legs rapped tight, refusing to cease the wailing unless I clung back. Clearly something was wrong. I called into work.
Does anyone else feel guilty calling into work even if you have a COMPLETELY legitimate excuse? I still feel like I’m doing something sneaky. It’s not sneaky! My kid is sick! Why do I feel like a terrible human!?
Anyway, I snuggled in, turned on Gilmore Girls, & Ellie slept on my chest most of the morning. Now… I HATED that she was sick. Capitalized letters HATED it. See, I need you to grasp that before I tell you how wonderful it felt to have my busy little girl snuggled into my arms all day. I need you to know that so that I don’t sound like a crazy. I really really loved it though. We cuddled & watched Netflix & life was strangely wonderful.

That’s about where that ended.
The next day Ellie had a doctor’s appointment where my mom & I learned that she had Hand, Foot, & Mouth Disease. Is there anything worse than going to the doctor to hear your kid has a virus and, “Sorry but there’s nothing we can do. Just keep her comfortable.”? Ooooooh, keep her comfortable! Got it. I was poking her with a hot iron all day! SO glad you told me!
Full disclosure, the doctor was actually really wonderful. Useless beyond diagnosis, but very very wonderful.
When we stripped her down so that the doctor could have a look at her we realized that she was covered in this red rash all over her body. Apparently this version of Hand, Foot, & Mouth was really Entire Body, mostly butt & mouth. Poor child.
The next day, after no sleep, I realized I might have a touch of something bad. I was cold, couldn’t get warm, & didn’t have the energy to go downstairs for a bagel. Bagels are what make the world go round, so you can do the math on that one. I was sick. Ellie was sick. I had a fever. Ellie had a fever. Poor Adam.
Well. Ellie seems better now. My mom was a God send during the whole ordeal. She took my rambling calls about the plight of my existence & cleaned my house & watched my contagious baby while I slept. Adam was awesome too; working, grocery shopping, and feeding us as much as we were willing to eat. He made lots of soft mac n cheese. Sore throats do well with mac n cheese.
Now, over a week into all of this nonsense and I still have ulcers in my throat. I went to my mom’s office to get them checked out and she confirmed the obvious, I have Hand, Foot, & Mouth too.
I talk about this like its the plague, but when you’re a busy, working mom, (is there any other kind) things like Hand, Foot, & Mouth can throw you into a tailspin. Especially if your a little dramatic & a major wuss.

Luckily, I have SO many exciting things to look forward to this coming week & an iron clad excuse for not having Elliana’s Halloween costume picked out/ made.
Things are looking up!