I am eating cereal in my room right now. I filled up on the chex and now I can't finish my milk. I do this... EVERY. TIME. :)
So, life has been surprising lately. I believe the schedule guy at work must be some sort of sage, mind reader, future see-er. This is why. I worked this past weekend and when I look on the schedule I saw that I wasn't scheduled again until Friday! That meant I had four whole days off. WHAT?! So, I wasn't very happy about that. But, I tell ya what, these last four days have been the greatest blessing. I have been able to slow down and BREATH! j
In and out.
So nice.
I feel like I am alive again. It's like I've been sprinting for the last month and I am just now getting enough time to stop and catch my breath. I tend to feel guilty for taking breaks or taking time off. For some reason I feel the need to be doing and moving and working at all times. These last few days I have just calmed the heck down. I still accomplished a lot. But, it wasn't because I made a list and a time frame and made myself stick to every little detail. It's been amazing.
Now tomorrow I go back to work. Back to a job that is amazing and exciting, but also draining and heart-breaking at times. I am ready though. I am refreshed and ready to give 100%. No more just making it through the day, I am strong enough to give my all tomorrow. I just need to take these breaks more often.
The other thing that is amazing right now is the fact that God has been really faithful in giving me what I need... not so much what I want. I didn't want to be here in Essexville, MI for the next year and a half. But I have really just started to feel at home here. I won't give you all the details, but so many little things have started to fall into place. NOW, I just need to find a church.
Alright, that's some what of an update... somewhat of a mess. Sort through if you want! :)
This is autumn...
This is somewhat painful...
So... not going back to Spring Arbor. Interesting, hard, exciting, terrifying... it pretty much feels like a big jumbled ball of emotion that I'd rather toss out the window than unravel. I was pretty bummed for a bit there. Now that things have gotten more settled here in good ol' bay city I feel much better.
Secondly, I have finished my internship. I have NOT written my paper yet. That will probably be what I try to do today. SO thrilled that it is over. It was a great experience... but it kept me way too busy.
Thirdly :), work is still great. I have been on the adolecent side most of the time these days... and I tell ya what, it's heart wrenching. BUT, it is probably the most rewarding thing I've done, too. VERY bittersweet. OH, if you don't know what I'm talking about---> I work at a inpatient mental hospital. So, we get adults who are picked up on the street and are psychotic or adults that haven't been taking or have been abusing medications, or guys that are headed to jail and pretend to be crazy so they can postpone it. WELL, I've been working the adolescent side. A much smaller wing of the hospital where children come if they are have extreme behavioral issues, or if they have done something that suggests serious mental instability. Anyway, it's heavy... but really important work. I like it for the most part. BUT I am looking elsewhere. I don't know how long I can stay.
K, onto the best part... I went MOUNTAIN BIKING yesterday!!! It was AMAZING. Adam and I were just going to stick to the really easy trails because I had never been before. Welllll... we ended up on a harder one. I was doing really well and hitting every feature (even if that meant going back and hitting it twice)... so we started riding faster. It was a blast and I was feeling pretty confident. So we come around a corner and Adam goes down the hill and disappears. I follow after and notice that there's a LOT going on at the bottom. NO problem! I've got this... So I continue down the hill and there's some pretty rocky terrain and then a man made bridge just off the ground that curves to the left as SOON as you hit the bottom of the hill. If you don't make that left it's a straight shot into a tree. So, all this to say... I got over the rocks and I hit the bridge, but I DEFINITELY didn't turn in time. OH I turned... just in time to slam sideways into the tree!!! Needless to say I'm a little bruised. My face has a cherry read rash on my right chin that extends down my neck.
I am proud to say I was able to get back on the bike and ride the rest of the way out (Thanks to Adams incredible patience, kindness, and encouragement!). We found a side trail that was pretty flat after a while and took it. I plan to go again soon. This time, I'll avoid the trees! :)
So, even though I'm not at college anymore and everything feels like it's changing... I am finding new adventures and having a blast.
So much love,
Secondly, I have finished my internship. I have NOT written my paper yet. That will probably be what I try to do today. SO thrilled that it is over. It was a great experience... but it kept me way too busy.
Thirdly :), work is still great. I have been on the adolecent side most of the time these days... and I tell ya what, it's heart wrenching. BUT, it is probably the most rewarding thing I've done, too. VERY bittersweet. OH, if you don't know what I'm talking about---> I work at a inpatient mental hospital. So, we get adults who are picked up on the street and are psychotic or adults that haven't been taking or have been abusing medications, or guys that are headed to jail and pretend to be crazy so they can postpone it. WELL, I've been working the adolescent side. A much smaller wing of the hospital where children come if they are have extreme behavioral issues, or if they have done something that suggests serious mental instability. Anyway, it's heavy... but really important work. I like it for the most part. BUT I am looking elsewhere. I don't know how long I can stay.
K, onto the best part... I went MOUNTAIN BIKING yesterday!!! It was AMAZING. Adam and I were just going to stick to the really easy trails because I had never been before. Welllll... we ended up on a harder one. I was doing really well and hitting every feature (even if that meant going back and hitting it twice)... so we started riding faster. It was a blast and I was feeling pretty confident. So we come around a corner and Adam goes down the hill and disappears. I follow after and notice that there's a LOT going on at the bottom. NO problem! I've got this... So I continue down the hill and there's some pretty rocky terrain and then a man made bridge just off the ground that curves to the left as SOON as you hit the bottom of the hill. If you don't make that left it's a straight shot into a tree. So, all this to say... I got over the rocks and I hit the bridge, but I DEFINITELY didn't turn in time. OH I turned... just in time to slam sideways into the tree!!! Needless to say I'm a little bruised. My face has a cherry read rash on my right chin that extends down my neck.
I am proud to say I was able to get back on the bike and ride the rest of the way out (Thanks to Adams incredible patience, kindness, and encouragement!). We found a side trail that was pretty flat after a while and took it. I plan to go again soon. This time, I'll avoid the trees! :)
So, even though I'm not at college anymore and everything feels like it's changing... I am finding new adventures and having a blast.
So much love,
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