I am married to Adam Chambers, most gentle and handsome man. The patience he has for me and my shenanigans is saint-like. I suppose I put up with some things as well. Marriage is
How would I even finish that sentence... really? It just is.
One of the things I have learned from marriage already is that there is no human that can be as near to you as God can. The feelings of love and affection, peace and adoration, safety and comfort, that come with marriage are still just feelings. It's an intense thought, but nothing is promised. All is grace. Adam is the greatest grace God has blessed me with, but he is a grace in my life. He does't belong to me the way he belongs to God. Same goes for me. We belong in the arms of Jesus.
That's where the peace that passes understanding abides. In His arms. I learned in college after the tragic loss of a dear, dear friend, that life is fragile and fleeting, but the love of God is never ending, never failing, never faltering. It's the only solid, perfect, guarantee. That He will never leave us or forsake us.
Mmmmm, the comfort that comes with that. It wouldn't be comforting at all if I wasn't aware of the sobering truths of this world. It is SO comforting to me though.
Good gracious, lighten up there Kor!
This has been an incredible year. Just excited about all of the things I have learned. The frustrating truth is that I seem to re-learn things over and over again! Thankful to have a God that is patient and continues to gently teach me the same lessons year after year.